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Tis the season for greeting cards, online shopping and holiday promotions! From catalogs to coupon mailers and charity campaigns, direct mail initiatives play a huge role in creating consumer awareness and driving business results. In fact, the majority of marketers (74 percent) keep direct mail as a mainstay in their programs because it outperforms other channels in ROI, response rates and conversion rates.1

For a truly successful direct mail campaign, it’s important to factor in the online side of things as well. That’s because more often than not, direct mail inspires action: Over half of consumers will visit a website or go to a store to make a purchase after receiving direct mail.1

To get the most out of your direct mail campaigns, be ready for this increase in traffic by ensuring your website is ready to make a good impression. After all, many consumers feel like businesses with a solid online presence are more reliable.2 Even a basic website can be a big help for your business by increasing your online visibility, sharing your business’s unique personality and communicating directly with customers.

Here are a few areas to consider as you assess the health of your website:

  • Is all contact information up to date? All too often, companies will move offices or update phone numbers and forget to make these changes to their website. A quick audit to ensure all your information is correct will make it easier for people who are ready to get in touch with you to do so.
  • Are the offerings on your website current? Customers who visit your website as a result of direct mail are often ready to shop. Close the deal and avoid customer frustration by making sure the products, services and prices on your website are accurate. And to potentially increase the value of each transaction, consider ways to cross-sell across your offerings.
  • Have you tapped into customer feedback? Loyal customers are the backbone of a successful business; not only do repeat purchases boost sales, these customers are 4x as likely to refer potential new clients. Encourage this process by asking customers to leave a review or share your company with a friend, and consider connecting to customer feedback platforms such as Yelp and Bing. 

A website is just one example of an online tool that can drive big results and maximize the investment of a direct mail campaign. Matrix specializes in the automated, electronic environment, and we can help you implement comprehensive, integrated e-solutions that improve your business efficiencies and boost your targeted growth.

Direct mail is a proven way to reach customers during the holiday season and all-year-round, and we can help you get the most out of this impactful strategy. Contact us today to get started.

1 The State of Direct Mail, Lob and Comperemedia

2 HubSpot

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