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If you are looking for a way to level up your marketing efforts and customer retention programs, consider incorporating SMS campaigns. Mobile devices are increasingly enabling people to stay connected and multitask while on the go; in fact, research indicates that Americans on average check their phones once every 10 minutes!1 SMS campaigns are a great way to keep your company top of mind in these scenarios. 

While other marketing tactics also provide a way to maintain customer communication,

SMS campaigns have some unique advantages, particularly in regard to how quickly they can prompt customers to interact with your business. When compared to email, SMS campaigns win in terms of response time, open rate and response rate. Take a look at a few key indicators for marketing campaign performance.

Email Versus SMS Results1

 EmailSMSImprovement of SMS over Email
Average Response Time90 minutes3 minutes60x
Average Open Rate20 percent98 percent5x
Response Frequency6 percent45 percent8x

An additional benefit of SMS campaigns is they can be highly automated, generating results while reducing the hands-on time required from marketing teams and other employees. Brands are increasingly tapping into this convenience and reaping the rewards. In 2023, automated SMS campaigns accounted for 13 percent of SMS sends and generated more than a quarter of all SMS orders.2

And if you’re worried that customers will find text messages from your company intrusive, don’t! Almost half of customers say they actually prefer business communications to happen through texts.1

Solution Spotlight: Throttle®

One of the Matrix solutions that we’re especially proud of is Throttle®, a complete intelligent CRM tool for the automotive industry. Powered by intelligent data analysis, Throttle helps automotive shops better understand their customers and proactively schedule future services, send reminders and craft unique special offers. Throttle uses an omnichannel approach with multiple touch points including texts, postcards and emails, allowing users to easily generate a year-round marketing program that keeps their brand top of mind and customers coming back for more. This enables automotive companies to stay in close contact with their customers throughout the customer journey—from acquisition to retention—with intelligently timed communications and service reminders based on their unique driving habits and service history. This approach takes the guesswork and labor out of customer communications, simplifying the marketing process while freeing up the shop staff’s time.

Throttle is just one example of how integrating SMS campaigns into your marketing initiatives can help drive business without overly taxing your employees. Contact us today to learn more about the possibilities.

1 SMS Comparison, 2024

2 Omnisend, 2024